“A bit of weakness in metaphor is enough for tomorrow for the berries to ripen on the fence, and for the sword to break beneath the dew.”

Upon reading Mahmoud Darwish & The Zohar – 1st Volume.

The crucible sword falls by the weight of the morning dew,

As the love of a rose draws near,

                The dance of the scarlet butterfly flutters to the music

                Of a suffering tomorrow with no end in sight, where

Every full moon has its name within the indigenous night

shadowed by the sleeping tree of life, where root and crown are inverted –

                A full hunter’s moon lay still beneath the skies

                of an October dawn, chilled by the breath of frost

Upon the lips of a stealthy warrior.

But where lay this unburdened rose?

                Asleep, until the colonization of societies shall reap

                A divine feminization of a fertile earth that becomes still,

Under the weight of the morning dew.

This poem was inspired by Mahmoud Darwish’s Sonnet VI in The Butterfly’s Burdon and the 1st volume of The Zohar regarding the New Jerusalem in Heaven and the Jerusalem on earth.